Al Amana Decor & Building Materials





Adhesive for marble & granite (White) C2T

The GM 1 adhesive is used for the placement of marble and granite slabs, natural building stones, as well as tiles of any type and dimension. It is suitable for interior or exterior surfaces on floors and walls. It can be applied on conventional concrete substrates and cementitious renders, on surfaces made of lightweight structural elements (aerated concrete blocks, cement-boards and plasterboards, etc.), in areas with relatively high temperature and humidity requirements (balconies, bathrooms, etc.), in public areas with high daily pedestrian traffic and wherever high construction quality is required. Ready-made product with consistently high quality. It ensures very good adhesion, high resistance to compression and bending, as well as to changes in temperature and humidity and environmental changes. It prevents visual changes of the surface of white marbles (and other building materials) and the formation of efflorescence. Homogeneous, ready-to-mix, industrial product of consistently high quality. It ensures good workability, increased application speed, it is economical and provides excellent results.


  • Mixture of white cement of high specifications and crushed marble of strictly selected granulometry and quality, enriched with polymers and other special improving additives.

  • It complies with EN 12004-1 as C2T adhesive.



  • The substrate must be clean and firm and it is recommended that it is wetted before application.
  • The contents of the bag shall be gradually added to clean water (approximately 4.5 – 5.0 l/bag) under continuous stirring using an electric mixer at low speed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. The mixture is allowed to cure for 5 minutes and then stirred again before the application.
  • The adhesive should be applied (“combing”) with a serrated putty knife (6-10 mm). The tiles must be placed and pressed to come to the desired position within 20 minutes. The limits of the application time of the prepared adhesive are such that they allow for any correction necessary to fix the tiles in their exact final position.
  • If the substrate has been covered with a render, its moisture content must be less than 2.5% before the adhesive is applied.
  • During the application of the adhesive, and for a few hours afterwards, extreme climatic conditions (such as strong wind, rain, dust, direct sunlight, etc.) should be avoided and the temperature should be between +5 °C and +35 °C.
  • Grouting on floors can be carried out after 24 hours and grouting on walls after 8 hours.


  • In bags of 20 kg, pallets and containers of 5 kg.

  • In a dry place where frost does not form, for 12 months from the date of production, in unopened bags.



  • 2.0-4.0 kg/m2, depending on the type and size of the tiles and the substrate.


EN 12004-1

Granule size

Open adhesion time

Apparent dry mortar density

Adhesion at open adhesion time

Adhesion in dry conditions

Adhesion when immersed in water

Adhesion under heating conditions

Adhesion under freezing-thawing conditions


Grouting on floors

Grouting on walls


Pot life

Micro-adjustments time

Alkali resistance

Solvent resistance

0.0-0.7 mm

20 minutes

1300 kg/m3

≥1.3 N/mm²

≥1.9 N/mm2

≥1.4 N/mm2

≥1.2 N/mm2

≥1.3 N/mm2

≥0.1 mm

24 hours

8-10 hours

2-4 kg/m2

4 hours

30 minutes



  • The GM 1 adhesive contains cement which is classified as an irritant. Consult the safety instructions and precautions listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet of the product.
  • Although the specifications and instructions presented in this bulletin have been prepared to the best of our skills, knowledge and experience, they should be taken as indicative results and require verification after many applications.  Users to whom this product is addressed should verify its suitability for the intended application. 
    The end user is responsible for any result of the use of the product.